Sicault & Cèbe (S&C) is a law firm created by Jean-Didier Sicault and Rémi Cèbe

“I am delighted to work with Rémi as a partner in our new law firm. Since he first worked at my law firm almost 25 years ago, and during the following years when he worked as in-house counsel for international organisations, I have greatly appreciated his legal reasoning as well as his ethics. I look forward to joining our forces for the best interests of our clients.”
« After having worked as junior lawyer in Jean-Didier’s law firm at the beginning of my career, and subsequently for many years as his frequent adversary in negotiations with the OECD and before the OECD Administrative Tribunal, we now partner in this new law firm, joining our expertise and skills to advise, defend and represent international organisations and their staff ».


The ILOAT quashes the post adjustment multiplier of specialised institutions officials in Geneva

It is not the first time that salary adjustments are sanctioned by the ILO Administrative Tribunal; other organisations had a bitter taste of it some years ago. It is, however, the very first time that the Tribunal so clearly sanctions the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), which is notably in charge of cost of living surveys. In five landmark judgments delivered last July (4134, 4135, 4136, 4137 and 4138), the Tribunal quashed the post adjustment mutiplier for the specialised institutions of the United Nations, on two major grounds : 1) the lack of authority of the ICSC, since the UN General Assembly has the exclusive authority to adopt post adjustment indices ; 2) the violation of several general principles, including the principle according to which the chosen method must ensure that the results are stable, foreseeable and clearly understood or transparent.

These judgments establish new case law, the first building blocks of which were established by the Tribunal in the 90s in the context of cases argued by Jean-Didier Sicault with the support of Rémi Cèbe. Jean-Didier Sicault likewise represented personnel of three of the five specialized institutions concerned in the recent cases before the Tribunal.   

However, regarding the United Nations common system, the case is far from being over. The existence of two different scales applicable in Geneva, including the UN scale, would run counter the very principle of the common system. The Office of Staff Legal Assistance and Jean-Didier Sicault therefore brought the case before the United Nations Dispute Tribunal.

Developments to come.

Legal statements

This website is accessible through URL www.sicault-cebe-avocats.fr (hereinafter the « website”) published by Sicault & Cèbe law firm (S&C), Paris Bar, a limited liability partnership located 5 bis, rue Joseph Bara, 75006 Paris, France – phone: +33 (0)1 46 33 62 73 (hereinafter “law firm”). The editor of the website is Rémi Cèbe, Named Partner. The website provider is OVH 2, rue Kellerman 59100 Roubaix, France copyright S&C – 2019

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